2/2/2021 Update
We have no email or street address for the Missing Classmates list. You can Contact Us to send update information. Some classmates have requested Do Not Contact & do not appear on this list. The web site automatically generates a list of Classmates below this list.
Ambrosius, James
Armstrong, Richard
Bess, Jeannine
Best, Willard
Blair, Thelma
Brown, Sheila
Campbell, Barbara
Cook, Clara
Davis, Bertha
Davis, Ronald Eugene
Farley, Belva Jane
Faulhaber, Jim
Girard, Nancy
Gipson, Ronald Gene
Gochanour, Bonnie
Goodwin, Laura
Gott, Daniel
Griffeth, Robert
Harshman, Linda Carol
Hopkins, Richard
Horve, Edward Kenneth
Hughes, Susan
Huston, Mary
Ingram, Beckie Ellen
Isenberg, mary Ann
Johnson, Michael
Karnes, Monkota
Kincheloe, Linda G.
Kline, Phyllis (Stoner)
Knowles, Ron
Lord, Martha
Mathern, Karen
McTaggart, Ray
Metlock, David Richard
Miller, Paula Kay
Miller, Robert William
Millington, John William
Mueller, Carol Kay
Myers, Patricia
Nisinger, Harold
Occrant, Sandra
Parker, Judith Ann
Parks, Ann (Denny)
Propst, Karen (Clark)
Renfro, Johnita Kay
Reppenhagen, Jonelle
Ross, Marie
Samp, Jean
Schaller, Rosalinda
Smith, Billie Jo
Swafford, Kathryn
Tarter, Larry
Turnbo, April (McComb)
Vogt, J. Mike
Walker, John Edgar
Warren, Billie
Willms, Sharon (Thompson)
Wolf, Linda (White)
Yocum, Evelyn (Plummer)
Class Creator automatically generates a list of Classmates with no email or address. They are all hot link Invites below.